Sales target

For every sales employee, there's a sales target.
Properly defined sales targets will bring
out the best of your team performance.

Venio enables you to set and gauge sales targets by up to 3 levels.

Sales target overviews for individuals? Groups?
How about both?

Venio displays an overview of both individual and group sales targets, enabling users to gauge the feasibility of achieving their individual and team sales targets.

sales target report
unit of sales target

Sales targets don’t have to be measured in currencies.
Set targets in any specific units!

Whether it’s ten boxes, a thousand booklets, or a dozen bottles, Venio enables you to set your sales targets in specific measurable units of your choice.

Centralize and interlink your data.

Sales target and deal data are interlinked to give concise and accurate sales target forecasts.
Team members may also track their individual targets.

Sales target and deal data are interlinked to give concise and accurate sales target forecasts. Team members may also track their individual targets.

Reimburse your employees in a few simple steps

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